Essential beginning of the year Care for Fruit Trees in Your Garden
If you have fruit trees in your garden, beginning of the year is a crucial month for ensuring their health and productivity throughout the year. From whitening trunks to pruning and pest control, here are the essential tasks to complete during this period.
1. Whitening the Fruit Trees
- At the beginning of beginning of the year, whiten the trunks of fruit trees using lime. This helps prevent damage caused by frost and cracking due to temperature fluctuations.
- If the lime has worn off or been washed away by rain, reapply a fresh coat to maintain protection.
2. Annual Bud Pruning
- In the first half of beginning of the year, prune annual shoots that will be used for spring grafting.
- Choose healthy, mature woody buds that are about 60 cm long and 5 mm in diameter.
- Perform pruning only when the temperature is above 5°C to avoid damage to the buds.
- After pruning, pack and label the buds properly. Store them at approximately 2°C, covering them with damp sand or sawdust to maintain moisture until spring.
3. Pruning Fruit Bushes
- Toward the end of beginning of the year, prune fruit bushes such as currants, red currants, blueberries, and sea buckthorn.
- Remember that fruit trees themselves are best pruned in early February.
4. Pest Control Measures
- Protect Against Rabbits: Wrap the trunks and lower branches of fruit trees with straw or cardboard and secure them with rope to prevent rabbit damage.
- Inspect for Pests: Regularly check trees for signs of pests, such as red spider eggs or tina rings in the buds.
- Remove Nests: If you detect any nests, remove them immediately to prevent infestation.
- Preventative Pine Ribbons: If you faced issues with red spider mites or fruit lice in previous seasons, tie pine ribbons around the trunks in beginning of the year to deter these pests.
5. Disease Prevention
- While beginning of the year is not the time for spraying, it is essential to conduct regular inspections for early signs of disease.
- If pests or signs of infection are detected, remove them promptly to prevent their spread and safeguard the health of your trees.
By completing these tasks in beginning of the year, you’ll set the stage for healthy growth and a bountiful harvest later in the year. Regular care and early prevention are the keys to maintaining vibrant, productive fruit trees in your garden.
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