Find out why frozen lemons are good

It may surprise you, but the most valuable part of a lemon is the peel. Citrus peel contains 10 times more vitamin C than the juice itself. In addition, it contains the essential oil that kills harmful bacteria, cures inflammation and headaches.
Lemon peel is a very useful product at home. And the best method to take advantage of the properties of the peel is to properly peel the lemon, and it is done by freezing it.

The use of frozen lemon.

Put the lemons in the freezer for some time. This will facilitate the lemon zest process, obtaining the peel and pulp separately. The zest can be added to any food or drink. Frozen lemon adds unique citrus flavor to food and at the same time improves your health.

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How to use the peel:

The lemon peel can also be used dry, grinding it in a blender until it becomes a powder. Add powdered lemon zest to tea, pasta, and salads. Mix the lemon powder with sugar, and you will get the lemon sugar, with an incomparable flavor.
To improve digestion, eat lemon peel. Lemon peel also promotes weight loss, due to its pectin content, which is a substance that reduces sugar absorption and reduces anxiety.

Now that you know some of the many benefits that lemon juice and peel brings to health, go ahead and try it and recommend it.

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