5 Plants that give off a pleasant aroma at night

In addition to being a great option for decorating interior environments, some plants also have the power to perfume homes and apartments with their characteristic aromas. Which can be from softer to more intense essences, such as sweets or citrus.

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The plants that give off perfume at night are usually the most sought after, along with the plants that bloom throughout the year, since their natural aroma is a great option to make the environment more welcoming and pleasant for everyone, and also to relax and make sleep much more restful.

1- Gardenia

The gardenia is an ornamental shrub that, depending on how it is cultivated, can reach 2 m in height. Between spring and early summer, it becomes one of the plants that gives off perfume at night, since between these seasons its beautiful white flowers bloom, providing a sweet and intense aroma.

Generally, the aroma of gardenia is perceived more strongly at dusk and its perception lasts approximately half an hour. But if the plant is grown indoors, its scent can last all night.

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2- Jasmine

Jasmine is one of the most famous plants for apartments and houses that exude a perfume at night.

There are several species of jasmine, but the most popular are the large ones, and therefore they are most commonly grown on balconies and patios. But, this plant can also be grown in pots inside houses or apartments, as they need shade and little sun to survive.

Its flowers also appear between spring and summer, and in most species, their petals are white and give off a soft and slightly sweet perfume, which can be perceived more intensely at night, between 6 and 8 pm.

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3- Lavender

As for lavender, surely you already know its aroma, since it is widely used in fragrances of aromatic products, oils, perfumes, cosmetics and even cleaning products such as soaps, softeners and whiteners.

It is made up of a set of small lilac flowers, which give off a soft and relaxing aroma, with a strong calming effect. For this reason, growing a lavender seedling in a vase indoors can help treat stress, anxiety, and even insomnia.

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4- Honey flower

It is one of the plants that exhales perfume at night. Depending on where it is grown, it can measure up to 15 cm, since it is made up of small bouquets of flowers, which can be found in white, pink, orange and purple.

All its colors and species exude the same aroma : strong and sweet, similar to honey. Therefore, it can be grown outdoors, such as gardens or flower beds, or even in small indoor pots.

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5- Lady of the night

The lady of the night is a shrub that, depending on where it is grown, can reach up to 3 m in height.

Its white and yellow flowers begin to appear in spring and last until summer, bringing with them a very strong and intense aroma, which is released only at night. During the day, due to insect pollination, the flowers are closed.

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