Inexpensive Home Remedy to Unclog the Showerhead
It has happened to all of us that the shower gets clogged, this is accumulated tartar from being constantly in contact with the water.

Tartar contains large concentrations of calcium and magnesium, which when heated causes white lumps that lodge in that area.
That is why today we show you a home remedy to clean the holes in the shower in an economical and effective way.
- 1 bottle of vinegar
- 1 medium plastic bag

The first thing to do is remove the shower head and place it inside a bag. There we will put the vinegar. Then we will close the bag well so that everything is well concentrated.
Once this is done, we will let it rest for several hours so that all the white tartar softens and comes out easily.
Once the time has elapsed, we will remove the head from the bag and rub the affected area with a brush that has soft bristles.
Then we will rinse everything very well and put the shower in its place. We will open the water and let it run a little, to remove any remaining vinegar or white scale.