5 foods to grow at home. Start your own vegetable garden!

Growing part of our food at home allows us to choose what to eat by trying and discovering new flavors, likewise, knowing the origin of these foods is essential for our health. When we use seeds and natural fertilizers, we make sure to avoid the use of harmful agro-chemicals and pesticides.

The vegetables, fruits and legumes that are consumed freshly harvested have a high nutritional level due to the concentration of minerals and vitamins. Similarly, doing so will help your finances, since you can save a little.

That’s why today we want to teach you the correct way to grow some food, it’s quite simple!

Growing at home, a very practical technique

1- It is often said that gastronomy could not survive without tomatoes. They are the component that gives our dishes body, all the flavor and color… What would we do without them? Learning to grow them is quite beneficial, since they are one of the most used elements on a daily basis in meals, sauces and salads.

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2- The strawberry is a fruit that provides few calories and whose most abundant component, after water, are carbohydrates (fructose, glucose and xylitol). Sweet, juicy, and slightly tart at times, this little red fruit is truly remarkable, so learning how to grow it is quite beneficial.

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3- The avocado! Who doesn’t love it? This food has become one of the favorites in every home, since it is perfect to accompany or complement almost any meal. Its price in the market is a bit high, and for that reason we have decided to show you how to grow it at home, you will always love having it at your fingertips!

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4- Mexican families will love this item! Since we will show you the most practical and correct way to easily grow jalapeño pepper at home

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5- Pineapple is a fruit with multiple benefits and highly praised by people, its flavor is unmatched, so we consider it important that you can have your own reserve of pineapples in your home. Learn how easy it is to do it!

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Here is a video on how to grow at home:


Source: Millionideas

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