9 ways to use Wooden Boxes to create a Christmas Tree

Using only wooden boxes you can create a different and original Christmas tree to decorate your home or other spaces such as offices, businesses and schools. It is a very easy idea to achieve, since it is only a matter of gathering several wooden boxes (minimum 7 or 8) and arranging them as a tower or pyramid to imitate the shape of a Christmas pine.

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You can use the boxes in their natural tone or paint them in white or green. The rest is simply filling each space with the decorations you have at home. You can choose to hang spheres (by tying them to the top of each box), add strings of lights, place escharcha or pine branches in the recesses, or simply proceed as if you were decorating a common Christmas tree.

1.- White painted boxes with Christmas decorations and lights .

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2.- Boxes with spheres , pine trees , snowmen and lights .

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3.- Boxes painted white with pine trees , star , candle and spheres .

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4.- Gray painted boxes with golden spheres and little houses .

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5.- Boxes with pine , lights and Christmas decorations .

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6.- Boxes with Santa Claus , star , pine cones and lights .

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7.- Boxes with stars , lantern , pine trees and crown .

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8.- Boxes painted white with lights , pine cones , boot and star .

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9.- Boxes with poinsettias , star , lights and nutcracker .

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