7 Things Only Well-Mannered Kids Do

The education of our children has to do with our own education and also with what we project for their well-being , for their adaptation in society and for them to enjoy everything they do and how they do it every day of their lives.

And many times as parents we wonder if we are educating them well, if we are doing things correctly, if we are achieving our goal and above all their well-being. For this reason, in today’s article we share some of the things that only well-educated children do.


1- Listen to adults.

Listening is one of the most important premises when talking about education because through it we make children understand us, that children can learn from us and everything that surrounds them. This is a great treasure that will take you very far.

Sometimes, it is difficult for children to calm down, breathe deeply and listen to us, but if your child has learned to listen it is because you have educated him very well and he will surely enjoy many things thanks to his listening, which will lead him to learn and understand a lot.

2- Help with the home.

The tasks at home are multiple and diverse and the best thing that can happen to you at home is that everyone collaborates with them. From cleaning, cooking, washing dishes, toilets, watering plants, storing clothes and much more.

If your child helps you with housework, it is because he is well educated, that he has managed to understand that everyone lives under the same roof and that solidarity is the basis of a good and fair coexistence.

3- Abide by the limits.

If your child has managed to abide by the limits, if he has managed to understand when you say no to something or when you explain why not to something , it is because you have achieved a good education with it, which is a difficult and sometimes tedious task .

The limits for children are a litmus test that day by day they try to run, avoid or avoid when they begin to understand.

4- Fulfill your responsibilities.

The tasks and responsibilities of a child vary and go through schoolwork, brushing teeth, choosing what to wear, bathing, among others. And if your son does these without you ordering him, he is a very polite child.

Sometimes we quarrel with children to carry out their responsibilities or we explain why it is so important to do so and understanding this is essential for them and us to have a better time.

5- Take care of your surroundings.

The protection and care of both personal objects, objects of others, animals, plants, ecosystems and more is part of a good education. If your child does all this it is because he is very well educated and because he is responsible.

Taking into account one’s surroundings implies having empathy for others and for what is close to us, it implies protecting all this and accepting it, learning to live with it and enjoy it.

6- Consult before doing something.

When a child asks us for permission to do an action, be it playing with an object, seeing a friend, reading a book, eating something specific or doing a certain activity, it is because the child is well educated.

Taking into account the opinion and decision of the elderly is fundamental for their learning stage and also shows that the child respects us and that he cares what we think and respect our rules.

7- Eat what is offered.

Many parents have conflicts with the food they offer to children because food is something of the most important for their correct growth and maturation and it is necessary that they have a rich and nutritious diet for this to be achieved successfully.

Therefore, that the child eats what is offered without conflict is a sign that he is very well educated and that he will also have the possibility of having a balanced diet full of nutrients, proteins and vitamins that he needs to be healthy and strong.

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