6 Signs You Weren’t Loved Enough
While many of us were blessed with a loving environment during our childhood, many others have not been so fortunate.
These 6 indicators are crucial to notice if a person was loved enough or not as a child.
1- Issues related to attachments
People who did not have a loving childhood often end up with serious attachment problems. LiveStrong writes that children who are not “securely attached” often fail to develop the skills needed to build healthy relationships.
2- Lack of security
If you were unloved as a child you probably have a severe security problem as an adult. People who did not receive enough love as children are rarely self-confident. Psychology Today says that these types of people don’t know they’re lovable or worthy of attention because of the lack of attention and love they received as children.
3- Indiscriminate and dependent relationships
Those who have not been loved as children often form unhealthy relationships as adults. This can show up as ‘indiscriminate ties’ with adults later in life. People who weren’t loved as children will have an unhealthy attachment to anyone who shows them the least amount of attention according to LiveStrong.
4- Inability to set any limits
Someone who has had a lack of love in childhood does not always know where to draw the lines. According to Psychology Today, these people end up being people-pleasers. They will do whatever they can to keep a relationship in touch, and that means boundaries are non-existent for people who haven’t received enough love.
5- Lack of confidence
Although people who were unloved during childhood often become clingy, one thing they can’t do is trust people. LiveStrong writes about the impact of lack of love during childhood on a person’s mental health, saying that they often lack confidence. According to Psychology Today these people will always have “trust issues” and will have a hard time learning to trust you.
6- Lack of general development
According to LiveStrong, people who were deprived of love during childhood face a score of developmental problems. Physically, emotionally and mentally people who were devoid of love during childhood will be a little stunted. Many of the ways they are inhibited have already been mentioned above. The physical growth of a person who did not have love during childhood can even be affected.