5 Lessons a mother should teach her children
No mother likes to think about the moment when she will no longer be there to pamper and embrace her greatest treasures in life.

However, it is something for which we must be prepared mentally, since we will never know the moment in which it will be our turn not to return home. There are lessons that a mother must teach her children before leaving and that we must not forget.
We would all like to leave a mark in the history of humanity, a mark of how important we were in life. However, not all of us can be Neil Armstrong, which is why the legacy we leave our children is so important. We may not leave a mark on humanity, but at least we can leave it on the hearts of the people who knew us.
Before leaving, teach him that…
Something that a mother wishes is to be there in the most important moments in the life of a son, to see him take his first steps, to hear his first words, the first day of school, the moment of his graduation, the arrival of his first love, etc.

1- Self-love is the most important
Before leaving this world you must make it very clear to your son the importance of loving himself. Teaching him to value himself above anything else is what will make him different from others.
2- The whims take us away from humility
Understanding that not everything in life is going to be as we want is the basis for not moving our emotions away from humility. Learning to be flexible to accept differences, changes and what we cannot achieve is part of learning to persevere and see the hidden gift in everything that happens to us, no matter how painful it may be.
3- Judging gets you nowhere
Judging each other is not only something that distances us from people, it is something that fills us with bitterness and envy. Before the time comes to leave your children alone, make sure they understand how important love is, and that judging others is the worst thing you can waste your time on.
4- Never settle for the first version
Teach your child not to settle for the first version they are given to search a little more and question everything that other people tell them. The evil in the world is something that does not take long, that’s why so that they do not hurt you they must be able to value the information and look for more. Teach them not to believe that the first thing they tell you is the whole truth without first confirming.
5- Emotions do not control actions
Emotional intelligence is another one of those things that we should never forget. Before leaving, help him understand that emotions are something we can’t help but feel, but actions are something we can control. We must never allow our emotions to dominate us or control our actions, since the impulse will never leave us with anything good.