35 designs of natural swimming pools to have a beach in your garden
Beach style pools are beautiful water features that add a unique look and comfort to modern gardens. Featuring infinity waterfalls, jet fountains, and fire pits, the pools transform landscaping with dramatic detail and create beautiful outdoor living spaces. Beach-style pool designs allow you to enjoy a flowing appearance. Around the pool terraces, planted trees, flowering plants and comfortable benches add a touch of charm to man-made paradises. Check out some examples of beach pools. This pool design is great for the family with young children and the elderly. Swimming pools can incorporate a children’s pool or an adult swimmer’s pool into their comfortable and attractive designs. A functional beach pool has many features that set it apart. A large area for the beach-style pool allows for the natural entry slope. A beach pool requires a large area of water to produce a lake effect. Modern lighting design and additional features complete the installations, producing stunning results, especially at night. A beach entrance is an inclined, graduated opening to a swimming pool that usually replaces regular steps in the water. The design mimics the look and functionality of a natural lake or ocean beach. Placed at the shallow end of the pool, the entry point is built to be at the same level as the bridge. To help you better optimize your choice of beach-like swimming pool.
Beach-pool entrance with coconut palm tree

Beach entrances make it easier for some people to enjoy the recreational and even therapeutic benefits of a swimming pool. This feature is therefore an excellent choice for families whose members have physical disabilities or mobility issues, whether the impairment is permanent or temporary. Replacing traditional pool stairs with a beach entrance allows access to the water for those who have difficulty lifting their legs, bending their knees, or walking while grabbing a handrail. A person using a pool access wheelchair can even slip into the water and stay at a depth that suits them.
Choice of beach entry colors – contrasts or blends

A common approach is to use a material that contrasts in color with the rest of the pool interior. This makes the entrance to the beach an important focal point in the overall pool landscape. It should be noted that in itself, a distinctive surface color can serve as a visual marker for the entrance. With stone or colorful tiles that stand out from the rest of the pool interior, including visual markers like rocks, statues, and fountains become less prominent.
It is interesting to consider a modification of the original configuration

In some cases, pool builders change the design of the beach entrance so that everything stays inside the water. This approach allows the surface material to be identical to the finish of the rest of the pool – marcite, quartz or pebble. The result is an entrance appearance that blends in more harmoniously with the rest of the pool.
The beach style pools are unique, comfortable and beautiful. This model of swimming pool is simple in its maintenance. You can sweep the edge

The beach style swimming pool can be a way to make your dream swimming pool come true. It is worth looking for the best style of swimming pools for your family and beautiful landscaping

Another great method to achieve a wave-like effect is to use one or more bubble fountains.

A simple and attractive option is to choose a suitable material for the exterior of the entrance, you can choose rocks

Custom design will match your lifestyle, enhance your yard landscaping, beautify your outdoor living spaces, make your family happy, and give your home a strong personality

Range entries are a custom feature. You can adapt the configuration to complete your pool

Most beach entrances involve a setup that alternates wet and dry aspects

A quick and easy alternative would be to choose a suitable material for the exterior of the entrance.

Incorporate a small step, just below the water level to reproduce the style of a marina jetty and thus suggest in the imagination of your guests a trip to tropical latitudes