19 Indoor Plants to Grow in Water
Growing indoor plants in water is an excellent method to decorate and give a green touch to your home without worrying about their care.

Even for those who have little space, limited conditions to keep plants at home or if you travel often for work, hydroponics can be a fantastic solution.
Indoor water plants
- Pothos ( Epipremnum )
- Lucky bamboo ( Dracaena sanderiana )
- Avocado plant (from the pit)
- Basil
- Ribbon ( Chlorophytum comosum )
- Begonia
- Syngonium
- anthurium
- Jade ( Crassula ovata )
- aloe vera
- Zebrina pendula
- Hemionitis arifolia
- Hedera
- Lavender
- monstera
- Pilea peperomioides
- Philodendron
- Sage
- Spathiphyllum

How to grow indoor plants in water
1. By division (with root)
For a split or whole plant, the first thing to do is remove as much soil from its roots as possible. To do this, place the plant under the tap and wash its roots well with warm water. Chances are you won’t be able to clean the roots, but don’t worry. You can change the water several times the first day or days when you see that the container begins to show residue.
2. By cuttings
You need:
- Scissors or a sharp knife
- Container (glass vase or glass jar)
- warm water
- Once you have your plant, take one or more cuttings that are at least 5-6 cm long and have one or two leaves. Do it just below a node ( the area of the stem where the leaves are born ) and make sure to disinfect the scissors or the utensil you use to make the cut.
- Find a container for your plant. A glass vase or similar container with a narrow neck will be ideal to help keep the plant upright. Check that it is clean and disinfected.
- Fill your container with warm tap water without filling it to overflowing ( leave at least a few centimeters ). Insert the cut and check that the knots are submerged in the water.
- Choose a suitable location for your court. A warm place with indirect light will be perfect, it can be near a window. Avoid sudden changes in temperature. Also avoid direct sun.
- Wait for the roots to grow.

How to root plants in water
To root plants in water it is very important to locate at least one node before cutting the cutting. Some people fail to root plants in water by not including any nodes from which roots can emerge underwater.
Another common mistake is placing the cuttings in an area that is too dark or exposing them to direct sun. Ideally, place them in a well-lit place with abundant natural or artificial light.
Also make sure to select cuttings from branches that are in good condition, so it is best to avoid sections with dry, damaged or yellowing leaves.
Temperature is another aspect to take into account. We must try to keep the cuttings at a temperature above 20º C.
Finally, we must change the water every 2-3 days, more or less during this process because the oxygen will be depleted. This will also help maintain better hygiene if a cut rots and fouls the water.
After some time growing plants in water and reproducing cuttings by this method, I was able to verify that changing the water often is not so necessary, it can even slow down the root growth process.
We can use a natural or artificial rooting agent to favor and stimulate root growth.

How to fertilize plants in water
You can use a few drops of liquid fertilizer diluted in water every 1 to 2 months for healthy growth. If you have a home aquarium you can use your water to provide natural nutrients to your plant. When changing the water, fill the container with 1/3 of the aquarium water and the rest with normal water.
Decoration with plants in water
There are numerous options to decorate your house with plants in water. A good idea is to use transparent hanging or non-hanging vases or jars. This will give a very natural touch to any small corner, and will also allow you to observe how the roots of your plant grow.
In general, any type of container that can be replaced will be valid for growing your indoor plants in water. From jars or cans to vases of any shape or size. In some cases, it is better if the container is narrower at the top to keep the rods upright. We can also help support the plant by adding balls of clay or gravel to the container.