15 Hanging Plants of Sun, Shade and with Flowers to decorate your House

The hanging plants are beautiful and highly desired by those who love gardening and landscaping. They have a beautiful waterfall effect, so it is recommended to place them in high or hanging places. Alone or accompanied by other plants, they create a perfect look for any style of decoration.

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Sun hanging plants

These are some of the plants that enjoy full sun, so you can use them to decorate the exterior of your house, be it the garden, balconies, porches or terraces. You can also have them indoors, next to a window that receives many hours of sun a day, directly on the plant.

  1. Donkey’s tail
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This plant is a succulent to keep in full sun, and does not require much watering. It is easy to care for and looks wonderful hanging on balconies, with its robust effect. Despite this, it is very delicate and you must be careful when handling it, or the leaves will break. Your soil needs to be fertile and well drained.

  1. Ornamental sweet potato

With very purple leaves and heart shaped, this is a very interesting plant. Despite the name, the sweet potatoes it produces are not edible. It is hardly ornamental and ideal for keeping in full sun. If you want, you can plant it in the ground and see how it spreads, creating nice paths.

  1. Lambari

Another pretty plant due to its purple and green leaves is the Lambari, which despite being fine in full sun, can also be grown in the shade. It likes moist soil enriched with organic matter, with substrate and earthworm humus or tanned manure. It is very resistant and looks beautiful in harmony with other plants of different colors.

  1. Child’s finger
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The shape of the leaves of this plant is similar to the donkey’s tail, since they are both hanging succulents. But the green color of the child’s finger is lighter. It can be in full sun, and it doesn’t require much care. Watering should be done when you notice that the substrate is dry.

  1. Baby tears
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This plant with very green and small leaves creates a good volume to decorate. It can be in a pot or in the ground, like a creeping plant that spreads. It does best in half a day sun. The soil must be rich in organic matter and irrigation must calculated to prevent the soil from becoming soggy.

Hanging shade plants

If the idea is to have plants inside your house, that thrive only in environments with good light, but without direct sunlight on the leaves, the hanging plants that are presented below are beautiful and perfect options.

  1. Peperomia
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The peperomia stands out for the light green and cream color of its small heart-shaped leaves. But they also exist in other colors. It looks very voluminous and matches a delicate decoration.

It is not very resistant to low temperatures. Therefore, it may not be the best for those who live further south in winter, unless it is protected. She likes regular watering and very fertile soil.

  1. Pothos
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The potus is a plant with a slightly wilder appearance than the peperomia. Its leaves increase in size as the plant grows, and they are dark green with yellow hues.

If you prefer, it can be a vine that wraps the furniture next to it. Irrigation must be regular and the soil very rich for it to develop well.

  1. American fern
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This is a fairly common plant that many grandmothers grew. Nowadays, it has returned with everything, especially to be part of the vertical gardens with hanging plants. It forms a large volume, which looks like curly and light green hair, wonderful to compose a scene with different plants. It does not like the sun very much, irrigation must be regular to keep the soil moist and it needs good organic matter.

  1. Rhipsalis

This plant is a succulent plant with habits similar to those of orchids. It is one of the succulents that prefers to protect itself from the sun. Its hanging green threads can reach up to 1 meter. For this, it is necessary to keep the soil always moist, without being flooded and rich in organic matter.

  1. English ivy

Ivy plants are very large, reaching up to 12 m and are notable for the shape of their clipped leaves. You can use them as pendants, as a climbing plant, or as covering plants. In order for it to develop well, it likes soil rich in organic matter and water when it realizes that the soil is almost dry.

Hanging plants with flowers

Do you want your house to be very flowery, with a lot of color and perfume? So hanging plants with lush flowers are the ideas, both indoors and outdoors.

  1. Selenicereus anthonyanus

Selenicereus anthonyanus is a plant that grows on tree trunks, just like orchids. Therefore, it is a plant that is usually protected from the strong sun in its natural habitat. Its flowers are exotic, with long, thin and colorful petals. The soil must be rich in organic matter and well drained. It will develop even if it gets a little direct sunlight.

  1. Hanging geranium

Hanging geranium is a plant that can give flowers quite frequently, if it is well cared for. It needs a lot of sun, soil rich in organic matter and little water. When you notice that you have old flowers and that they are dying, you should do a pruning to stimulate the growth of new flowers.

  1. Calibrachoa

There are many flowers on this pretty hanging plant. He’s the guy who brings a lot of life to whatever environment he’s in. It grows very full, it looks like a bush, and it continues to grow downwards, remaining hanging. It likes full sun, with good watering and rich in organic matter.

  1. Peanut cactus pendant

If you like different plants, since there are several types of cacti, this is a very interesting option. It grows fast and dense, and the flowers are very lush. This is a type of cactus that likes a lot of sun, little water, and light soil with good drainage.

  1. May flower

The Mayflower is a cactus with thicker leaves that fit well together and form the stems. At the tip of the stem is where the flower is born. This one likes moderate watering when the soil is dry. It should always be well drained. It is better to leave it in the shade, with little sun, only a few hours a day. You can leave it under a tree, protected and beautify your garden.

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