10 Tricks to Remove and Avoid Damp Stains on Walls
Being attentive to any damp stain is very important, as it can seriously affect our health.

This time we are going to show you how to remove the vast majority of stains and how to avoid them. These tricks may fail depending on the wall and the type of moisture you are trying to combat, but I recommend you try them all.
1- Talc

We will need talc mixed with water so that it penetrates well into the wall. You can also use the powder, but it is less effective. To use this method, you have to sprinkle the talcum powder on the wet stain and distribute it with a dry cloth. We leave it for a few minutes for the talc to penetrate the wall and repeat this procedure until the stain is completely removed.
2- Baking soda

All you have to do is dilute 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of water in a container . A paste will form, which you have to pass through the stain with the help of a cloth or sponge. I recommend you avoid doing this on rainy days. If you do it on dry and windy days, the mixture will dry much faster.
3- Bleach

This is the same as the previous one, we mix equal parts of bleach with water and distribute it on the damp stain with a cloth. (In many countries bleach is known as bleach.) In addition to cleaning, it will help you eliminate bacteria and germs that are harmful to health.
4- Tea tree oil

This is one of the best remedies against green spots (mold), all thanks to its antifungal properties. We simply have to mix 2 tablespoons of oil with 2 cups of water. We put all this in a sprayer and spray the damp spots and let it act. If you see that the stain is still not gone, repeat the procedure until it is completely removed.
5- Apple cider vinegar

It is another excellent natural option, useful for cleaning multiple surfaces. To remove mold, just mix 1 cup of vinegar with 3 liters of water. This is one of the most effective, since it eliminates 80% of viruses and bacteria that could be found on ceilings and walls.
6- Gum Arabic

An option to extract humidity from the environment is to place a little of this resin in a container. The good thing is that you can perfume it, creating an environment with a good aroma and free of humidity. You can put this in closets, drawers and rooms.
7- Sea salt

This trick is one of the best known, simple and cheap. You just have to put a small amount of salt in various containers and spread them around various points in your house. This will absorb moisture in the air, leaving you with a perfect environment.
8- Charcoal

You just have to put some pieces of charcoal in jars with perforated lids. It helps to have a humidity-free environment (you have to change it every 2 weeks for a lasting effect ).
9- Electric dehumidifier

These are usually one of the best options, it is usually a bit expensive but it never fails. Take into account the measurement of your room with the power of the appliance to obtain positive results.
10- Continuous ventilation

It seems silly, but it is very important to have constant ventilation. This helps eliminate and take away much of the bacteria in your house. The windy solar light duo is the best thing that can happen to your environment.