10 Sun-resistant plants to make your garden look beautiful

When it comes to having a green space at home, people’s priority is to make it beautiful and colorful. However, it is important that it stays that way for as long as possible, not just after planting.

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In an outdoor space a choice of sun resistant plants should be made. This is because it is important to observe the characteristics of the ground and the lighting of the place. Since the garden is a space with little protection from rain and sun, opting for more resistant species is a smart choice that even makes maintenance easier.

Especially in summer, when the days are longer and the sunlight is stronger, selecting the wrong plants can lead to work, expense and frustration.

For this reason, we are going to present you 10 plants that are resistant to the sun so that your garden always looks beautiful.

1- Agave

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With long, hard, pointed spear-like leaves, this is a very hardy species in full sun that can reach 2m in height.

2- Boxwood

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Species that grows slowly and reaches a maximum height of 5 m. But, by pruning it, it will have the shape and size you prefer.

3- Sword of Saint George

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With thick and very resistant leaves, this beloved and well-known plant reaches up to 90 cm, and can even be grown in pots.

4- Myrtle

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In spring it gives white and highly scented flowers. Also, it is a great suggestion for ornamental pruning or to produce a hedge.

5- Light bulb

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This is a kind of succulent with cylindrical leaves that reach up to 30 cm in height. During most of the year it produces yellow or orange flowers.

6- Desert Rose

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Another alternative for sunny places. The only care it needs is pollination (which must be manual), and the soil should not be flooded.

7- Hibiscus

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Used as an ornamental, hedge or even in pots, it is fairly sun hardy but requires very moist soil, at least until it becomes established.

8- Lavender

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Lavender does not like humid weather or extreme temperatures (too cold or too hot). Therefore, consider this species if you live in a region with a more pleasant climate.

9- Petunias

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It blooms throughout the year and presents different colors, which is very positive to beautify the garden. The negative part is that even if it is sunny, it is best to plant it in semi-shade to avoid burns.

10- Hera

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Used as a climbing plant, hanging plant or fodder. It is an excellent option to guarantee volume and vitality to the garden, since it is very resistant to the sun, but also in semi-shade.

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