10 Fantastic Christmas Centerpieces

The Christmas is approaching, and with it the Christmas decorations that we like, and something that can not miss is the centerpiece, since there will be our family gatherings.

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We can make Christmas centerpieces with flowers, fabric, glass or plastic bottles, candles, cardboard, etc.

Next, we will show you some ideas to make centerpieces that you are going to love, and that you will surely want to have on your table.

1.- Beautiful candles with red ribbon and poinsettias.

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2.- White pinitos, candles and artificial snow.

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3.- Artificial pine branches, red candles, berries and pinecones.

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4.- Vase with poinsettias, spheres, ribbon and ears of corn.

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5.- Large candles and berry branches.

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6.- White candles, tray and pinecones painted white.

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7.- White berries, bottles painted white with red glitter.

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8.- Tray with red spheres and glass vases with red flowers.

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9.- White candle, red ribbon with white and white berries.

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10.- White candles with red, ribbon, pine branches and red bells.

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